Eternal Return Wiki
Zahir Model
"If it is God's calling, I'll gladly execute it."

Real Name
Zahir Singh

Zahir's stats
Level 1
Level 20
Attack power
Health regen
Stamina regen
Atk. speed
Move speed
Sight range

Team Mode Adjustment Solo Duo Squad
Damage Dealt (Throw) 0% -10% -14%
Damage Received (Throw) 0% 0% 0%
Damage Dealt (Shuriken) 0% -10% -12%
Damage Received (Shuriken) 0% 0% 0%

Zahir is a playable character in Eternal Return.


"I behold the vision of the Almighty." - Zahir

After escaping from an orphanage at a young age, Zahir found himself lost and starving. He arrived at a small Sikh temple and miraculously survived.

He became a devoted follower, believing that his God had mercifully saved him.

His morning ritual is to shower and brush his hair with a wooden comb. He sometimes speaks like an angsty teenager, but it's not easily noticed as he seldom speaks.


Eye of Azrael (Passive)


Icon Stats Ability Description

Ability damage
extra 10/35/60 + 30% AP
Move speed
Skill duration
Casting time

If Zahir hits an enemy with a skill, an Eye of Azrael indicator is applied to the enemy for 6 seconds and Zahir's movement speed increases. If you hit an enemy with the indicator with a skill, it deals extra damage and an Eye of Azrael effect is applied to the skill used. If you kill an enemy, you see corpses in the current area for 20 seconds.

  • Movement speed granted by Eye of Azreal decays over the duration.

Narayanastra (Q)


Icon Stats Ability Description
Zahir Q

Ability damage
40/100/160/220/280 + 50% AP
Extra Damage : 75/150/225/300/375 + 50% AP
Casting time
70/85/100/115/130 SP
8/7.5/7/6.5/6 Seconds

Zahir calls upon God's strength, dealing damage in a targeted area. Eye of Azrael effect: Narayanastra deals extra damage and the enemy's defense decreases for 2 seconds in proportion to the difference in kills between you and them.

Gandiva (W)


Icon Stats Ability Description
Zahir W

Ability damage
20/50/80/110/140 (+AP 30%)
Casting time
1 Weapon (All levels)
0.5 Seconds (All levels)

Zahir throws a Chakram in the targeted direction, dealing damage. If Zahir hits an enemy with any skill but Gandiva, he gains 2 Chakrams that float behind him for 20 seconds. Eye of Azrael effect: Hitting an enemy reduces their movement speed by 30% for 1 second and reduces the cooldown of every skill, excluding Gandiva, by 1.5 seconds.

Vayvayastra (E)


Icon Stats Ability Description
Zahir E

Ability damage
80/110/140/170/200 + 50% AP
Casting time
20/18/16/14/12 Seconds

Zahir summons and launches a gust of wind, dealing damage. The first enemy hit is launched airborne for 0.5 seconds and their movement speed is reduced by 30%. Eye of Azrael effect: The enemy is launched airborne for 1 second.

Bhargavastra (R)

Attack (Ultimate)

Icon Stats Ability Description
Zahir R

Ability damage
(Initial) 50/140/230 (+AP 50%)
(Follow-up) 40/80/120 (+AP 65%) x4
Casting time
120/150/180 SP
100/85/70 Seconds

Zahir calls down Chakrams from the heavens to damage enemies in a wide area, dealing damage. Bhargavastra applies an Eye of Azrael indicator to enemies if they don't have one.

Note: Bhargavastra also gives Zahir vision at the location used.





  • Zahir was released in the 4th Alpha Test
  • Zahir's birthday is June 13th.


English Korean
▶️ "If it is God's calling, I'll gladly execute it." ▶️ "신이 주신 시련이라면, 기꺼이 감당할 것이오."

First Move

English Korean
▶️ "I'll guide thee to your final resting place." ▶️ "영원한 안식을 선사하리라"
▶️ "Your sins will drag you to hell." ▶️ "스스로 지은 죄가 자신을 지옥으로 이끌 것이다."
▶️ "I'll judge you all equally." ▶️ "평등하게 심판할 것이오."

Specific Areas

English Korean
▶️ "Do they think I can't see them in the shadows?" ▶️ "그림자 속에 숨어있다고 보이지 않을 줄 아는가?"
▶️ "Is this the road for pathetic sinners?" ▶️ "비참한 죄인의 길인가."
▶️ "God's will shines even in this dark Alley." ▶️ "이런 골목길일수록 신의 뜻이 밝게 빛나는 법이오."
▶️ "Arrows are like God's will: sharp and accurate." ▶️ "화살의 날카로움과 정확함은 신의 뜻과 비슷할지도 모르겠소."
▶️ "May these arrows now dispose of evil." ▶️ "악을 처단하는 화살이 될 것이오"
▶️ "There will be a reckoning if someone mistakenly shoots God's disciple." ▶️ "실수로 신의 사자를 쏘는 자가 없길 바라오"
▶️ "May the deceased find rest..." ▶️ "망자들이여, 그대들에게 안식을..."
▶️ "A cemetery is a terribly lonely place..." ▶️ "참으로 쓸쓸한 곳이오..."
▶️ "May they be at peace..." ▶️ "편히 잠들길 바라오"
▶️ "I do like the spiritual atmosphere of this place." ▶️ "경건한 분위기의 장소인 것 같소"
▶️ "I wouldn't dare insult the God of another." ▶️ "내 어찌 감히 다른 이의 신을 모욕하겠소"
▶️ "This must be the place where the others pray.." ▶️ "이곳 또한 누군가 기도하는 곳이겠지..."
▶️ "The sound of silence is... defeaning..." ▶️ "사람이 없으니 이리도 평온하군..."
▶️ "Let us look after the souls that once wondered this place..." ▶️ "부디 이곳에 머물렀던 영혼들을 돌봐주시기를"
▶️ "I keep forgetting that this place was once full of life." ▶️ "이 곳 또한 삶의 터전이었음을 자꾸 잊어버린다오"
▶️ "This factory reeks of metal.." ▶️ "쇳냄새가 진동을 하는군..."
▶️ "It's full of unfinished projects.." ▶️ "완성되지 못한 파편들 투성이군..."
▶️ "Let's not go too further in." ▶️ "깊게 들어가지 않는 게 좋겠소"
▶️ "Nature is the first gift from God." ▶️ "자연은 신께서 만드신 첫 번째 선물이오"
▶️ "God also protects this forest." ▶️ "신께서는 이 숲도 지켜보고 계실 것이오"
▶️ "The colors of this forest are heavenly" ▶️ "숲의 빛깔이 아름답소"
▶️ "God will guide me upon my depature." ▶️ "나갈 때가 된다면 신께서 이끄실 것이오"
▶️ "I will return home someday." ▶️ "언젠가는 나갈 수 있지 않겠소"
▶️ "The bitter smell of the ocean..." ▶️ "바다 냄새가 짙군..."
▶️ "There might be something of use to me here." ▶️ "혹시 필요한 것이 있을지도 모르겠소"
▶️ "I will heal myself here if God wills it." ▶️ "이 곳에서는 스스로를 치료하는 수 밖에..."
▶️ "Illness is the uninvited guest that arrives when you let your guard down." ▶️ "질병이란 방심했을 때 찾아오는 불청객이라오"
▶️ "God's word is to not open the door so easily to strangers." ▶️ "신께서는 타인의 문을 쉽게 열지 말라 하셨소"
▶️ "It's hard to sleep peacefully just anywhere." ▶️ "어디서든 편하게 잠들긴 어려울 것 같소"
▶️ "My intention is not to wake those who are exhausted." ▶️ "지친 이의 잠을 깨우고 싶지는 않소"
▶️ "Let's tread carefully." ▶️ "발 밑을 조심하시오."
▶️ "To think... there's a pond on this island..." ▶️ "이런 곳에 연못이 있다니..."
▶️ "At least small graces remain in this place." ▶️ "작은 은총이 머무른 곳이오"
▶️ "This place feels oddly familiar." ▶️ "어쩐지 낯익은 곳이군"
▶️ "I might get some sand in my shoes.." ▶️ "신발 안에 모래가 침범하였소"
▶️ "Shadows are cast onto the sea." ▶️ "그림자마저 휘청거리는군"
▶️ "Learning is sharing." ▶️ "배움은 나눔을 의미한다오."
▶️ "I used to scribe texts on the ground with chalk." ▶️ "나는 돌바닥에 글귀를 남길 수 있는 분필을 좋아했소"
▶️ "When I closed my eyes in school, I was not sleeping, but praying." ▶️ "잠깐 눈을 감은 것은 기도를 드리기 위함이었다오"
▶️ "Temples are merciful places." ▶️"큰 자비가 머무르는 곳이군"
▶️ "I shall not cause any disturbances here." ▶️ "소란떨지 않는 게 좋겠소"
▶️ "Everything is in order.. even on an island like this." ▶️ "이런 상황에서도 정갈하게 정돈되어 있군"
▶️ "There are those that have more to lose than I." ▶️ "가진 게 많은 자는 잃을 것도 많은 법이오"
▶️ "God's word is to share what you have with others." ▶️ "신께서는 가진 것을 나누라 하셨소"
▶️ "Vestiges of happy lives.." ▶️ "행복했던 삶의 흔적들이오"


English Korean
▶️ "This looks like a portal to hell." ▶️ "지옥의 문 같소"
▶️ "What an interesting device." ▶️ "신기한 장치인 것 같소"

Restricted Areas

English Korean
▶️ "I don't think this is the right place to be." ▶️ "이 곳은 아닌 것 같소."
▶️ "Let's go another way." ▶️ "다른 길을 택하라 하시오"
▶️ "There shall be another way." ▶️ "다른 길도 있을 것이오"

English Korean
▶️ "This looks like something useful." ▶️ "쓸만한 것 같소"
▶️ "It would be better to not be too greedy." ▶️ "쓸데없는 욕심은 부리지 않는 게 좋겠소"
▶️ "This seems suitable." ▶️ "제법 괜찮다고 생각하오"
▶️ "I am gifted with the art of crafting!" ▶️ "내게 재능이 있었던 모양이군"
▶️ "I like this." ▶️ "마음에 드는군"
▶️ "I've never seen anything like this." ▶️ "처음 보는 물건이오"
▶️ "This is the result of following God's guidance." ▶️ "신께서 인도하셨음이라"
▶️ "I've found something rare and precious." ▶️ "진귀한 것을 찾게 되었군"
▶️ "I'll walk on the lighted path." ▶️ "빛이 이끄는 길을 걷게 될 것이오"
▶️ "This looks formed by God himself." ▶️ "신의 손길이 닿았던 것 같소"
▶️ "This will help me execute God's will." ▶️ "신의 뜻이 함께하실 것이오"
▶️ "Now comes the time to move forward." ▶️ "앞으로 나아갈 때가 왔소"


English Korean
▶️ "May thee rest forever." ▶️ "영원한 안식을"
▶️ "May thy death bring peace." ▶️ "평등한 죽음을"


English Korean
▶️ "This is God's will." ▶️ "신의 뜻이라오"
▶️ "I won't forget your sacrifice." ▶️ "희생은 잊지 않겠소"
▶️ "I will forever remember the way you breathed." ▶️ "그대의 숨결을 기억하겠소"
▶️ "I will guide thee." ▶️ "그대를 인도하겠소"
▶️ "I will bear thy sins." ▶️ "그대의 죄 또한 내가 짊어지겠소"
▶️ "I hope you were a sinner." ▶️ "그대가 악인이기를 바랄 뿐이오"
▶️ "This is where you must stop breathing." ▶️ "당신의 숨은 여기까지인 것 같소"
▶️ "Follow the light.." ▶️ "빛을 따라가시오"
▶️ "You won't regret your passing." ▶️ "후회하지 않을 것이오"
▶️ "God's guidance is waiting for you." ▶️ "신의 인도가 그대를 기다리고 있소"
▶️ "God chose me to execute his will." ▶️ "신께서 나를 처형자로 정하셨소"
▶️ "You were destined to die." ▶️ "약속된 죽음이라오"
▶️ "Punishing a sinner is also a sin..." ▶️ "죄인을 처단하는 것 또한 죄인 것을.."
▶️ "I've lost my way over pools of blood.." ▶️ "피웅덩이 위에서 길을 잃었군..."
▶️ "I may, in fact, be the greatest sinner and an agent of evil." ▶️ "사실 내가 가장 큰 죄인이며 악의 대행자일지도 모르겠소"
▶️ "A small life.. that served its true purpose." ▶️ "작은 생명은 그 목적에 충실했을 것이오"
▶️ "There is no easy kill." ▶️ "어찌 쉬운 살생이 있겠소"
▶️ "I'm sorry to be the one that must end your life." ▶️ "그대들의 끝이 나라서 미안하오"


English Korean
▶️ "God smiles upon the wise." ▶️ "신은 지혜로운 자를 사랑한다오"
▶️ "I shall watch from a distance." ▶️ "멀리서 지켜보는 게 좋겠소"


English Korean
▶️ "I better rest a bit." ▶️ "잠깐 쉬어야겠소"

English Korean
▶️ "I wonder what will be in there..." ▶️ "뭐가 들어있으려나..."
▶️ "What an old box." ▶️ "낡은 상자로군"
▶️ "My Lord." ▶️ "신이시여..."
▶️ "I see they still know how to be generous." ▶️ "베품을 아는 자들이로군"
▶️ "I hope there is something useful within..." ▶️ "쓸만한 것이 들어있으면 하는데.."
▶️ "Let there be God's blessing..." ▶️ "신의 가호가 있기를..."
▶️ "I used to pick these up a lot." ▶️ "예전엔 이런걸 자주 주웠다오"
▶️ "I won't catch any weird creature, right?" ▶️ "무엇인들 낚이지 않겠소?"
▶️ "Is this how you do it..." ▶️ "이렇게 하면 되나..."
▶️ "I love mashed potatoes." ▶️ "삶아 먹으면 맛있다오."
▶️ "Let's pick up the decent stones." ▶️ "쓸만한 돌을 주워야겠소"
▶️ "Ah, fresh water!" ▶️ "맑은 물이군."
▶️ "Let there be God's blessing..." ▶️ "신의 가호가 있기를."
▶️ "Excuse me." ▶️ "실례하겠소."
▶️ "It is my burden." ▶️ "나의 업보이니, 내가 감당하겠소."
▶️ "I'll borrow your eyes for a bit." ▶️ "잠깐 눈을 빌리겠소."
▶️ "Where is everyone?" ▶️ "다들 어디 계시오"


English Korean
▶️ "To the deceased." ▶️ "망자들에게."


English Korean
▶️ "Spread out!" ▶️ "퍼져라!"
▶️ "Take this!" ▶️ "받아라!"
▶️ "You won't be able to get out of this!" ▶️ "벗어날 수 없을 것이다."


English Korean
▶️ "Fire away." ▶️ "쏘아져라."
▶️ "Fly!" ▶️ "날아가거라!"
▶️ "Come on!" ▶️ "쏟아져라!"


English Korean
▶️ "Up!" ▶️ "날아올라라!"
▶️ "Will is like a gust of wind." ▶️ "의지는 돌풍이 될지니."
▶️ "I'll stop you." ▶️ "발걸음을 멎게 해주지."


English Korean
▶️ "The rain of divinity!" ▶️ "신념의 비를!"
▶️ "Here is the power of faith!" ▶️ "믿음의 전장을, 이곳에!"
▶️ "I will expidite the cleansing of you corruption." ▶️ "그대의 부정을 파하노라."

Learning Weapon Skill

English Korean
▶️ "I will bring disaster upon your feet." ▶️ "그대들의 발 아래 재앙을 내릴 것이오"
▶️ "Evil will suffer in the realm of God." ▶️ "신의 대지에 선 악은 고통받을 것이오"
▶️ "I will cover the eyes of the misguided." ▶️ "어리석은 자들의 눈을 가리겠소"
▶️ "You can see if you look through the eyes of truth." ▶️ "진실의 눈으로 본다면 보일 것이오"

English Korean
▶️ "People occasionally tell me that I'm delusional. Is that like a serious disease?" ▶️가끔 나를 보고 '중2병'이라고 하는 자들이 있는데, 혹시 그게 심각한 병증이오?
▶️ "I worship God... but somehow he seems to make it rain on me only when I forget my umbrella." ▶️신을 모시고 있지만... 어째서 그 분은 내가 우산이 없는 날에만 비를 내리시는 건지 모르겠소

English Korean
▶️ "You look like you're terrified." ▶️겁을 먹은 모양이군
▶️ "Nervous I'll punish you for thy sins?" ▶️죄가 있으니 두려워하는 것 아니겠소?


English Korean
▶️ "An expected win." ▶️ "예정된 승리라오"
▶️ "Ahah, I've finally reached salvation." ▶️ "아아, 드디어 끝에 다다랐나이다."

Highly Placed

English Korean
▶️ "If only I were just a bit wiser..." ▶️ "조금만 더 현명했다면... 아쉬울 뿐이오."
▶️ "It all happened so fast." ▶️ "아주 간발의 차였다오"


English Korean
▶️ "If all you need is my breath, I will give it to you." ▶️ "필요한 것이 나의 숨결이라면, 그대로 바치겠소."
▶️ "Time to go back." ▶️ "돌아갈 시간이오"


English Korean
▶️ "I no longer have the strength to carry on his will anymore.." ▶️ "뜻을 이어갈 힘이 없소."


English Korean
/ ▶️ Attack sound 1
/ ▶️ Attack sound 2
/ ▶️ Attack sound 3
/ ▶️ Attack sound 4
/ ▶️ Attack sound 5


English Korean
▶️ Dying sound 1 ▶️ Dying sound 1
/ ▶️ Dying sound 2
/ ▶️ Dying sound 3
/ ▶️ Dying sound 4
/ ▶️ Dying sound 5


English Korean
▶️ Laugh 1 ▶️ Laugh 1
